https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/53562269352-midwood-books-43-804-rod-gray-the-lady-from-lust-658x1103.jpgThe World’s Sexiest Spy: When This Lady Tracks You Down, It’s A Pleasure To Be Caught. From the back: Her name is Eve Drum, The Lady From L.U.S.T., the sexiest spy in the world. Anything anyone can do she can do better. They call her Oh Oh Sex, because sex is her favorite weapon, but … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/the-lady-from-l-u-s-t/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Lady from L.U.S.T.</span></a>
https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/RGLust2-658x997.jpgThe World’s Sexiest Spy: When This Lady Tracks You Down, It’s A Pleasure To Be Caught. From the back: Her name is Eve Drum, The Lady From L.U.S.T., the sexiest spy in the world. Anything anyone can do she can do better. They call her Oh Oh Sex, because sex is her favorite weapon, but … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/the-lady-from-l-u-s-t/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Lady from L.U.S.T.</span></a>
The World’s Sexiest Spy: When This Lady Tracks You Down, It’s A Pleasure To Be Caught.
From the back:
Her name is Eve Drum, The Lady From L.U.S.T., the sexiest spy in the world. Anything anyone can do she can do better. They call her Oh Oh Sex, because sex is her favorite weapon, but she is just as good at Karate, safe cracking, knife throwing, scuba diving, you name it. Don’t tangle with her. She has a license to kill and she does not care if she uses her body or a Beretta. Swing along as she goes into action against a super villain who wants to wreck N.A.T. O. and heat up the Cold War to flash point. It will blow your mind.
This entire book can be downloaded here
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Sexiest spy, although what you’ve got is undoubtedly true.
And fixed, thank you.