Paris Nights April 1929 entire issue can be downloaded here From the back of the pervious issue: A stirring story of a girl who, in shielding her step-mother-elect, is wrongly accused, leaves America and her sweetheart and flees to Paris. She endeavors to lead a good, honest life, suffering deprivation and penury until bad company engulfs her —shows … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Miss Deane</span></a>
Paris Nights Magazine April 1929 entire issue can be downloaded here From the back of the pervious issue: A stirring story of a girl who, in shielding her step-mother-elect, is wrongly accused, leaves America and her sweetheart and flees to Paris. She endeavors to lead a good, honest life, suffering deprivation and penury until bad company engulfs her —shows … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Miss Deane</span></a>
This entire issue can be downloaded here
From the back of the pervious issue:
A stirring story of a girl who, in shielding her step-mother-elect, is wrongly accused, leaves America and her sweetheart and flees to Paris.
She endeavors to lead a good, honest life, suffering deprivation and penury until bad company engulfs her —shows her the easy road.
Her false accusation follows her and is strengthened by the arrival on the scene of the man in the case, who endeavors to capitalize on her unfortunate position. The sweetheart sets out to find her and arrives in time to avoid further entanglements and dishonor.
The story is longer than the usual PARIS NIGHTS story, and for that reason so much better.
Nice cover, looks like watercolors rather than the usual oil painting.
The plane is a Ford Trimotor (1926-1930), known as the “Tin Goose”.
Miss Dean is a passenger, known as a “flapper”.
So you are saying that it was HER “flapping” that kept the plane aloft ?
Oddly enough, YES.
I have actually flown in a Ford Tri-Motor though I was a bit more conservatively dressed. A local airshow had one and was given what I thought were reasonably priced rides. I cannot imagine flying across the country, making several stops, in it though. However, that was “modern times.”
So think about Miss Dean, dressed in her filmy black silk dress and stockings, who flew in the Tin-Goose all across the Atlantic ocean, through scary storms and lightnings (it sounds more dramatic this way) to Paris, only to save her fiancé from the claws of his lusty french mistress (which is a pleonasm).
From the back of the pervious issue:
A stirring story of a girl who, in shielding her step-mother-elect, is wrongly accused, leaves America and her sweetheart and flees to Paris.
She endeavors to lead a good, honest life, suffering deprivation and penury until bad company engulfs her —shows her the easy road.
Her false accusation follows her and is strengthened by the arrival on the scene of the man in the case, who endeavors to capitalize on her unfortunate position. The sweetheart sets out to find her and arrives in time to avoid further entanglements and dishonor.
The story is longer than the usual PARIS NIGHTS story, and for that reason so much better.