Things are looking grim for our heroic pair. I mean an axe verses a pistol that has already sent a bullet flying towards his face? No chance. Then a swift demise of the dame whose only weapon is a telephone. I’ll guess they wished they had never taken a trip on that freighter but at least she was wearing a stunning dress – one of the best I have seen on this site that so often has outrageous and fascinating fashions.
Rudolph Belarski. His signature is cut off. It’s to the left and above the telephone. All you see is:
Things are looking grim for our heroic pair. I mean an axe verses a pistol that has already sent a bullet flying towards his face? No chance. Then a swift demise of the dame whose only weapon is a telephone. I’ll guess they wished they had never taken a trip on that freighter but at least she was wearing a stunning dress – one of the best I have seen on this site that so often has outrageous and fascinating fashions.