Untamed Darling (Original Title: Iris)

Broadway Novel Monthly 1950 thumbnail
53438005876 Avon Books 297, 1951 thumbnail
Broadway Novel Monthly 1950
53438005876 Avon Books 297, 1951

Two Men And One Wild Girl
“I’m Not At All Sure I Want To Be A Lady”…

From the back:

A Headstrong Young Man and An Uninhibited She-Imp in a Conflict of Sex!
An untamed darling that was Iris. One minute she was milk and honey, pouting like a spoiled baby. The next minute she was a Rabelaisian hussy, a veritable fountain of passion let loose in a room.
When Melville Rand, a serf-possessed young man, met Iris, he found all his barriers falling away with alarming rapidity She had an animal-like sensuality that acted like a drug over a man. She batted him, assaulted his very manhood in the most beguiling and intriguing manner, and taunted him beyond endurance. Melville could no longer predict his own actions—he wanted to spank her one minute, then make violent love to her in the next.
When Iris started on Melville’s successful and handsome father, Melville realized he would have to take Iris in hand strongly, and in a wonderfully exciting scene, as only Woodford can write it, the headstrong young man and the untamed darling have an unforgettable showdown.

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