
Award Books A427X 1969

A hilarious plunge into the outer limits of electronic espionage with a “living doll” who makes sex the ultimate weapon…

From the back:

S.H.E.I.L.A. — Simulated-Human, Electronically Implemented Lady Agent—stepped forth one memorable day from the scientific laboratories of I.N.I.T.I.A.L.S. She was created to fight for justice in a world too long threatened by evil. Two of her prime targets: The chopper-riding, leather-jacketed agents of M.O.T.H.E.R. and the insidious, obscene warriors of F.A.T.H.E.R. who had infiltrated the government and now enjoyed its protection. To any other female agent, the obstacles would have been overwhelming. But Sheila was equipped to battle the most dastardly foe. Her razor-sharp mind was matched only by her razor-sharp fingertips; the penetrating gaze of her eyes was rivaled only by the paralyzing rays of her navel. Sheila was invincible, until she clashed with Number One—who had earned his rank by trying even harder! And who almost stripped Sheila of (among other things!) her hard-won title of SUPERDOLL!


The Club / The Wife Next Door

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Beacon Softcover Library B1008X 1967 thumbnail
Beacon Softcover Library B874X 1965
Beacon Softcover Library B1008X 1967

Four restless husbands, four willing wives… and sixteen scandalous reasons why Polly’s Club was the most exclusive in all suburbia!

Also published with a cover by Darcy

Her name was Emily and she loved love
In the window-to-window proximity of suburbia, the most explosive emotions soon found outlets

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