No man escapes the sins of his past.
Six years after quitting the Florida Mob, Peter Mallory is about to be dragged back in. Stalked by a vicious killer and losing his hold on power, Mallory’s old boss needs help—the kind of help only a man like Mallory can provide. But behind the … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/baby-moll/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Baby Moll</span></a>
No man escapes the sins of his past.
Six years after quitting the Florida Mob, Peter Mallory is about to be dragged back in. Stalked by a vicious killer and losing his hold on power, Mallory’s old boss needs help—the kind of help only a man like Mallory can provide. But behind the walls of the fenced-in island compound he once called home, Mallory is about to find himself surrounded by beautiful women, by temptation, and by danger—and one wrong step could trigger a bloodbath…
via Hard Case Crime
The same John Farris who wrote The Fury (1976), later filmed by Brian DePalma. The film’s okay; the book is better.