Caged… and Dangerous!
When last we saw Max Fisher and Angela Petrakos, Max was being arrested by the NYPD for drug trafficking and Angela was fleeing the country in the wake of a brutal murder. Now both are headed for eye-opening encounters with the law—Max in the cell blocks of Attica, Angela in … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/the-max/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Max</span></a>
Caged… and Dangerous!
When last we saw Max Fisher and Angela Petrakos, Max was being arrested by the NYPD for drug trafficking and Angela was fleeing the country in the wake of a brutal murder. Now both are headed for eye-opening encounters with the law—Max in the cell blocks of Attica, Angela in … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/the-max/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Max</span></a>
Caged… and Dangerous!
When last we saw Max Fisher and Angela Petrakos, Max was being arrested by the NYPD for drug trafficking and Angela was fleeing the country in the wake of a brutal murder. Now both are headed for eye-opening encounters with the law—Max in the cell blocks of Attica, Angela in a quaint little prison on the Greek island of Lesbos…
via Hard Case Crime