Community Of Women the last commuter train pulls out of the station, it leaves behind a… Community Of Women… idle young matrons, finely bred but bored… their empty days filled with card games, cocktails and daring dreams… their empty beds waiting — often for the next deliveryman! A Biting And Frank Novel Probing The Frustrated World Of … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Community Of Women</span></a>
Beacon Book #B466F, 1961 the last commuter train pulls out of the station, it leaves behind a… Community Of Women… idle young matrons, finely bred but bored… their empty days filled with card games, cocktails and daring dreams… their empty beds waiting — often for the next deliveryman! A Biting And Frank Novel Probing The Frustrated World Of … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Community Of Women</span></a>
When the last commuter train pulls out of the station, it leaves behind a… Community Of Women… idle young matrons, finely bred but bored… their empty days filled with card games, cocktails and daring dreams… their empty beds waiting — often for the next deliveryman!
A Biting And Frank Novel Probing The Frustrated World Of Push-Button Kitchens — And Doorbell Love!
UPDATE : cover art by Charles Fracé.