Ace D-432 1960 — but don’t touch From the back: Go behind the boisterous, badge-and-ribbon riot of a big convention. Learn what lies beneath the flash and frolic of men away from home on a spree. CONVENTION QUEEN takes you into the all-night poker games, the “private” parties with their cheesecake beauties hired to win men’s minds … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Convention Queen</span></a>
Look — but don’t touch
From the back:
Go behind the boisterous, badge-and-ribbon riot of a big convention. Learn what lies beneath the flash and frolic of men away from home on a spree. CONVENTION QUEEN takes you into the all-night poker games, the “private” parties with their cheesecake beauties hired to win men’s minds by capturing their senses. It is the story of convention power-politics and the unconventional way in which it works.