What Goes On Behind Closed Doors At A Washington D.C. Hotel?
HOUSE DICK is one of Hunt’s very best, a classic hardboiled story of a detective in a Washington D.C. hotel (no, not that hotel) investigating a twisty tale of burglary and murder, of skullduggery under cover of darkness, of deception and shifting … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/house-dick/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">House Dick</span></a>
What Goes On Behind Closed Doors At A Washington D.C. Hotel?
HOUSE DICK is one of Hunt’s very best, a classic hardboiled story of a detective in a Washington D.C. hotel (no, not that hotel) investigating a twisty tale of burglary and murder, of skullduggery under cover of darkness, of deception and shifting loyalties—and of the price you pay when you trust the wrong people…
The author was convicted of burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping, eventually serving 33 months in prison as part of the Watergate affair.
via Hard Case Crime