Dime Mystery November 1941
https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Dime-Mystery-November-1941-658x930.jpgThis entire issue can be downloaded here
Dime Mystery v26 n03 [1941-11] 0010
https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Dime-Mystery-v26-n03-1941-11-0010-658x951.jpgThis entire issue can be downloaded here
This entire issue can be downloaded here
Compare with Test-Tube Frankenstein. Same cover, different background elements. Which one is the re-do? Did Raphael DeSoto do both?
I do not see the Rafael deSoto’s “touch” here (especially the female figure), neither in :
wondering if PulpArtists.com didn’t mistook it for Milton Luros’ art, compare with :
Right, Rafael DeSoto’s art.
Painted over :