Night of the Hyenas, Male magazine cover, March 1969 Survived the Attack of Africa’s Flesh Slashers Yes, I know the cover actually says “Night Of The Jackals,” but those are so clearly hyenas I couldn’t leave it. Besides, Mort Künstler said “This painting was very popular and was used a number of times on various magazines during the 1960s,” so I doubt that is the … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Night of the Hyenas</span></a>
Male March 1969 Survived the Attack of Africa’s Flesh Slashers Yes, I know the cover actually says “Night Of The Jackals,” but those are so clearly hyenas I couldn’t leave it. Besides, Mort Künstler said “This painting was very popular and was used a number of times on various magazines during the 1960s,” so I doubt that is the … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Night of the Hyenas</span></a>
I Survived the Attack of Africa’s Flesh Slashers
Yes, I know the cover actually says “Night Of The Jackals,” but those are so clearly hyenas I couldn’t leave it. Besides, Mort Künstler said “This painting was very popular and was used a number of times on various magazines during the 1960s,” so I doubt that is the original story it was associated with.