A Strange Woman — A Stranger Love
From the back:
Perversity is the story of the compelling passion that overwhelmed two men and a woman in the rain-swept backstreets of Paris.
Irma, the young and wanton prostitute, lived with her “man” Bébart. Then her brother’s strangely perverse passion sudenly dragged all … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/perversity/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Perversity</span></a>
A Strange Woman — A Stranger Love
From the back:
Perversity is the story of the compelling passion that overwhelmed two men and a woman in the rain-swept backstreets of Paris.
Irma, the young and wanton prostitute, lived with her “man” Bébart. Then her brother’s strangely perverse passion sudenly dragged all three of them down into a nightmare of agony and torture…