Sleep-In Maid

Midwood F213 1962 thumbnail
Midwood F213 thumbnail
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Midwood F213 1962
Midwood F213

“Why does the man-of-the-house always find his way to my room after I’m in bed? Not that I mind.”

From the back:

Raped by her boss, Angela—a London shop girl—sought a peaceful life in America as a sleep-in maid, but her amorous adventures were just beginning. From the very first day sons and husbands could not keep their hands off of her voluptuous body. Shunted from home to home by irate wives she met with a new set of male hands each time. It wasn’t that Angela encouraged these adulterous advances, but she needed her job and she was by no means frigid.
In many homes throughout the country innocent girl domestics are exposed to the “Midnight visit.” Some welcome it, some don’t, but most of them comply. They are literally concubines in the American house-hold.

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