I think it’s pretty hilarious that Abdul Karin (as in Abd el Karin) means ‘servant of the most generous’ in Arabic when mentioning 400 concubines. And he looks like a generous type of bloke too, doesn’t he. Although I’d be wary of the rather handsome and sexually charged Eunuch if I was a Sultan worth my toast. Another wonderfully fantastic politically incorrect cover to add to your collection Mr Pulp Covers
John Duillo’s art.
I think it’s pretty hilarious that Abdul Karin (as in Abd el Karin) means ‘servant of the most generous’ in Arabic when mentioning 400 concubines. And he looks like a generous type of bloke too, doesn’t he. Although I’d be wary of the rather handsome and sexually charged Eunuch if I was a Sultan worth my toast. Another wonderfully fantastic politically incorrect cover to add to your collection Mr Pulp Covers