https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/21572508-62-CorpseWorePasties-658x1061.jpgSometimes There’s No Difference Between The Naked And The Dead WHO BUMPED OFF THE BUMP-AND-GRINDER? Usually, when you call a burlesque act a “show stopper,” you don’t mean it quite so literally. But this time, that’s just what happened: The show stopped dead, and so did the girl. And as I looked at her nearly … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/the-corpse-wore-pasties/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Corpse Wore Pasties</span></a>
Sometimes There’s No Difference Between The Naked And The Dead
WHO BUMPED OFF THE BUMP-AND-GRINDER? Usually, when you call a burlesque act a “show stopper,” you don’t mean it quite so literally. But this time, that’s just what happened: The show stopped dead, and so did the girl. And as I looked at her nearly naked and completely lifeless body and the bottle of poison in her hand with my fingerprints all over it, I thought to myself: Porkpie, you’re in for it this time…
via Hard Case Crime
Artist is Ricky Mujica per Hard Core’s site