I must suppose that he did this one, too. It’s got many of his earmarks. In particular her missing bra strap; also, the man’s blue jeans (with its lighting and shadows) are Wardian. If you showed me just a cropped picture of those jeans, and said, “What pulp artist painted this?” I’d have to say. “H. J. Ward did, of course.”
She reminds me of The Barbarian cover by Hugh Joseph Ward:
I must suppose that he did this one, too. It’s got many of his earmarks. In particular her missing bra strap; also, the man’s blue jeans (with its lighting and shadows) are Wardian. If you showed me just a cropped picture of those jeans, and said, “What pulp artist painted this?” I’d have to say. “H. J. Ward did, of course.”
I don’t know whether this is an authoritative source, but they say it’s Ward (and it is).
Creeping balletics!