Fantastic July 1958 entire issue can be downloaded here
Fantastic v07n07 (1958-07)06-07 entire issue can be downloaded here
Fantastic v07n07 (1958-07)061 entire issue can be downloaded here
This entire issue can be downloaded here
I had to look up what the “Shaver Mystery” was and how it deserved an entire special issue. It turns out Richard Shaver claimed his stories, while fictionalized, represented True Facts of underground civilizations and the ancient past, which he got from personal experience or race memories. The magazine’s editor, Ray Palmer, never one to shrink from free publicity, played up his claims as “the Shaver Mystery”.
Yes. It was… very weird
‘Bar Mehat fired into the reptile’s hideous mouth’ – and missed entirely.
“You IDIOT!” the girl screamed…
Interesting to see what Yoda looked like between Baby Yoda and old-and-wrinkled Yoda.