https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/15853976796_e4937fa516_b.jpgThe outlandish, Rabelaisian saga of the hunt for a fantastically potent tropical sex drug… and what happened to our men… and women… when it was smuggled into America! From the back: Aphrodisiacs, Inc.! Angus’ job was to track down the legendary Jungle Weed that turned men into Satyrs — and to bring it back to America. … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/the-fabulous-sex-weed/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Fabulous Sex Weed</span></a>
The outlandish, Rabelaisian saga of the hunt for a fantastically potent tropical sex drug… and what happened to our men… and women… when it was smuggled into America!
From the back:
Aphrodisiacs, Inc.!
Angus’ job was to track down the legendary Jungle Weed that turned men into Satyrs — and to bring it back to America. But he didn’t bargain for the love-crazed Caribbean Women who wanted to keep it — and him — all For Themselves!