Man-Hungry / The Saint And Sinners Murder Case! / I’ll Kiss You And Kill You

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Magnet Books 308 1959

“Sure I Lust For Love,” She Smiled. “But What’s More I Also Love Lust!”
LOVE STARVED . . . and strangely addicted to her dangerous desires Cilo Haven searched the byways of her soul trying to find the ultimate in passions and pleasures of the flesh. That’s why so few men found her lacking in the intimate knowledge of love and desire . . . and fewer yet realized what kind of woman she really was . . . until it was too late for them to withdraw from the tendrils of her trap of . . . LUST AND SIN!”

From Heritage Auctions:

This painting was originally published as the cover for All True Police Detective Cases October, 1950, albeit in another variation (which would have been the original version of the painting). It was also slightly altered again and used later for the cover of Police Detective July, 1958. The current state of the painting is presumed to have been published a third time as a cover-though we were unable to nail down this usage

Obviously, I was able to nail down the usage, as well as add Best True Fact Detective July 1954

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