Yank Adventurer Who Grabbed Hitler’s Incredible U-Boat Treasure

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1972’s Bloodiest Search For Sunken Riches

The prize was a million dollars in mercury. But he was surrounded by enemies — the sea, the sharks, hijackers, and then the most unexpected enemy of all…

By the 70’s, these men’s magazine covers had devolved to stereotypical (i.e. boring) girly-photos, but the interior illustrations were often still awesome.

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2 thoughts on “Yank Adventurer Who Grabbed Hitler’s Incredible U-Boat Treasure”

  1. “The prize was a million dollars in mercury. ”

    Mercury, as a commodity, is sold by the “flask.”
    What would a “million dollars” of Mercury weigh?

    1. Ha! I reckon the crew on the ship in the background had better have had the good sense to ask themselves the same question! (Ship Commander Fisher O. Barnacles, at the docks, a few hours earlier) “Bring it on, dammit! Of course it will cope with a million dollars worth of mercury! See, ship is made of iron and it floats! What else do you need to know?!”

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