Sinful Sisters

Archer 52 (1951). Cover Art by Heade

From the back:

In this fascinating tale of love, passion, and intrigue, Roland Vane again demonstrates his acute insight into feminine psychology. It is the story of two sisters—the elder one, utterly shameless, mercenary and sordid, who looks upon men as her legitimate prey; the younger sister, self-effacing and innocent, yet acutely conscious of a strange passion which seems to drive her on remorselessly.

How the interests of these widely-contrasted characters clash and lead to inevitable conflict and rivalry; how the strange workings of Fate make their paths cross, and re-cross; and how the deadly hatred of a thwarted woman, brings down disaster upon the head of one, whose only crime was to love not wisely but too well, is brilliantly told, against a background of the sinister side-streets of Soho, and the garish glamour of London night clubs.


Undersea Sledge Hunts Sunken Gold

Modern Mechanix April 1934 thumbnail
undersea_sledge thumbnail
Modern Mechanix April 1934

The tedious and dangerous task of searching the ocean’s bottom for sunken ships laden with treasures is simplified by a diving sled perfected in Germany. 

The floor of the ocean is literally strewn with ships which went down, taking with them to Davy Jones’ locker hundreds of millions of dollars in gold.

The heavy weights which a diver must carry in his boots to counteract the weight of his helmet and the buoyancy of his air-filled garment, make it extremely difficult for him to do much exploration. Shifting tides frequently move big ships which have settled to the bottom of the sea and consequently divers are often unable to locate the treasure.

The new diving sled is expected to overcome this. For in it, a diver can descend to the bottom of the sea and be towed for miles on the ocean’s floor.
