Time To Prey

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An oriental doll gets shanghaied by murder as Liddell untangles a deadly Chinese puzzle.

“This isn’t the place to talk,” the Chinese girl murmured. Liddell smiled.”Then let’s think of better things to do.”

via Edit: Now with First Edition cover art. Also, see the very informative article on Frank Kane’s Johnny Liddell from Killer Covers.

Drag Me Down


Too Lovely To Forget — Too Dangerous To Love

From the back:

A behind-the-scenes novel of the glamorous world of the summer theater; Where Hollywood starts come to pick up a fast buck, and stay for fly-by-night fun. Where has-been actresses meet new would-be lovers, and find their passionate romances are no more permanent than the sultry vacation season.

And where an indiscreet press agent’s stormy backstage affair with an onstage temptress can violently ring down the curtain on two tempestuous careers.


The China Sea Murders (Original Title: The Shanghai Bund Murders)

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America’s no.1 agent — Colonel Hugh North — trails a secret more deadly than the atom bomb!

The same Colonel Hugh North from Two Tickets For Tangier and Trouble in Burma
