A Need For Love

Midwood No.100 1961 thumbnail
1961 Midwood #100 thumbnail
MIDWOOD 100 1961 thumbnail
Midwood No.100 1961
1961 Midwood #100
MIDWOOD 100 1961

Her Name Was In The Social Register And She Could Have Anything She Wanted… But What She Really Wanted Was The Girl Named Maxine Black!

From the back:

Her Curiosity Threatened To Destroy Her

Julie Stewart had everything … beauty, social position and money… but there was something lacking, and she did not know what it was until she saw Maxine Black.
She knew, then, that all the men in the world could mean nothing to her… she had to have that voluptuous temptress!
Risking everything, she plunged into an affair with the girl… caring not that this was immoral and unnatural… she had to satisfy her… need for love.

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Twice With Julie (1965)


He had failed, just as had a hundred others, to satisfy the incredible passion that drove her from town to town, from man to man.

From the back:

He had fallen in love with a girl who lived in constant torment, a girl who spent every waking moment in desperate need of sex, a girl who was never without need of a man, any man, a girl who was beyond caring who or what or where or how as long as there was someone seeking to appease the fiery hungers that burned so intensely within her feverish body! He had fallen in love with a girl some called a swinger, others called a tramp, still others knew as a prostitute… but he alone knew was the odd breed of female described by psychiatrists as a

The 1962 edition, with a cover by Maguire, is here


Strange Sisters (1960)

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Pyramid F 699 1962

This love was wrong but she could not resist it!

From the back:

No Other Way Was Normal — To Her
And so Kathy strayed the dark and twisted path among the twilight women, doing the strange things her body urged her to do… until —
— until one night she committed the most violent act of her life… and then waited in sick horror while the swift watch-dogs of society hunted her down.
STRANGE SISTERS is the story of an alien world. Never before has it been made so intensely real for adult readers

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