Leopard Woman


She was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in Africa. Her skin possessed a sheen not often found among Negroes. She was tall and graceful, with high, full breasts, and long, wonderfully molded legs. Her eyes were startling. They were oblique, and flecked with yellow. In the lamplight of that room they gleamed strangely.


Black Opium

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The shocking ecstasy of the forbidden

From the back:

The world of BLACK OPIUM is a forbidden world where human bodies find them-selves possessed and driven by desires which consume them in the flames of hot-blooded ecstasy . . .
Here is a world of torture and torment, filled with the fantastically erotic shapes of the living nightmares of depraved love —a book that will astound you with its frank revelations of vice and corruption

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