Joy Ride

Bee-Line Book 194 1967 thumbnail
Bee-Line Book 194 1967 Back thumbnail
Bee-Line Book 194 1967
Bee-Line Book 194 1967 Back

Jane joins the crew of a floating brothel-offering her charms to men of all nations-in a desperate attempt to foil a Red Chinese plot to rule the world!

It looks like someone stole Maguire artwork for this cover. From the back:

A houseboat fitted out as a house of prostitution, staffed by desirable girls of every shape, size and color…
The widow of the deposed dictator of the South American nation of San Posterior…
A pair of Chinese gamblers who know more tricks than how to cheat at fan tan …
The most dangerous weapon the world has ever known, capable of leveling an entire city in seconds…
WHAT COULD IT ALL ADD UP TO? Another dastardly plot by S.T.R.O.K.E., that’s what!
And who has to rush into the breach and save the free world from a Red Chinese takeover? Jane Blond—the secret agent from B.U.S.T., armed only with her electric panties and her incurable yen for men—that’s who!


The Joy Zone

The Joy Zone, paperback cover, 1966 thumbnail
The Joy Zone by Anthony Dare, All Star Books AS 85 variant, 1966 thumbnail
Joy Zone contact sheet thumbnail
The Joy Zone, paperback cover, 1966
The Joy Zone by Anthony Dare, All Star Books AS 85 variant, 1966
Joy Zone contact sheet

She Rented Her Body To Any Man — Any Woman —

I am not really sure what is going on here. The painting and the cover are clearly both by Maguire, and both are based on the set of reference photos, and Heritage Auctions is selling them as a set, but the painting is clearly not the same as the image on the cover. Even if the hair  and the sheet had been retouched for the cover (which is the kind of thing that happened) the whole pose of the body is slightly different, and the head is looking a different way.

I suspect this is an early draft that was rejected by the publisher, or simply a different scene painted from the same set of reference photos. Either way, a lovely set.


Sexurbia County (1960)


Suburbia, U.S.A. — where during the day wives play — and during the night husbands seek other delight!
What really happens in the swank, ultra-fashionable suburbs of a big city? The answers in this bold, slashing novel will shock — fascinate — and outrage you!

From the back:

A Brutally Frank Novel Of Men Who Leave Their Consciences In The City — And Women Who Check Their Morals At The Supermarket!

I prefer this to the 1964 cover, but it is Maguire, after all. The artwork was later reused for Make Sure I Win


Reformatory Girls (1960)

Avon Books G1213 1960 thumbnail
Avon G1213 1960 thumbnail
1960 Avon G1213 thumbnail
Avon Books G1213 1960
Avon G1213 1960
1960 Avon G1213

The shocking story of untamed she-cats in a jungle behind bars…

From the back:

Their bodies were brazen, their eyes bold — they were bad, and they knew it. They hated the grim prison, the corrupt warders, the rigid routine that was supposed to batter them into decency. But most of all, each one of these caged hellions hated not having a man…
Brutal, compellingly honest, this is the story of the wild ones, the reformatory girls who live and love by the laws of the street!

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