Saigon Sally’s Sin Barracks

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One thought on “Saigon Sally’s Sin Barracks”

  1. Everything about this illustration is GREAT: the photo of Mousey Tongue, the Stars of Red China, the bamboo walls and the Jungle make it so ASIAN. Then there is the determined GI hero with his 1960s Buzzcut. But my favourite items , of course, are the ladies: the business-like lady hurtled on her arse dropping all the dossiers on various people of interest no doubt; the lady in her undies reaching for her weapon; and the radio operator. And I LOVE how the woman in bed has solid shoes for traipsing through jungles whilst Saigon Sally has the very latest in high heels probably imported from Europe, that beehive of Western Imperialistic Running Dogs. Another CLASSIC from Mr Mort.
    NB It might be of interest that by 1965 it was only a year since 1964 when a supposedly Torpedo Boat attack on US ships (which later proved to be more an incident conceived by a fertile imagination) heralded the true beginning of US involvement with 23,000 US personnel helping the ARVN with about 400 dead. But in 1968 – when this illustration was again used – in January there were 485,000 personnel (many of them conscripts by now) with over 20,000 dead and the infamous My Lai Massacre would happen later that year – thus turning the whole aspect of Vietnam around.

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