Army Girl

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Army Girl - Venus Book - No 161 - Whit Harrison - 1953 thumbnail
Venus Book 161 1953 thumbnail
Venus Books #194 1953
Army Girl - Venus Book - No 161 - Whit Harrison - 1953
Venus Book 161 1953

Story of a Girl Who Couldn’t Live by Regulations

From the back:

Could a woman with a past withstand the temptations of a regiment full of lonely men?
Some Said No
The Army base was no place for the likes of her… What the gossip mongers didn’t know, they invented… What the soldiers didn’t know, they guessed…
She Said Yes 
No matter what they knew of her past, no matter what they whispered about her — she wouldn’t be driven off the post and leave the man she loved… But when the ghost of her past, in the person of her husband’s commanding officer, came back to claim her — she faced the most difficult choice of her life.

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The Bedroom Derby



One wife, hell-bent on motherhood; one secretary, pregnant and single; one passionate old flame… and one harried husband

From the back:

Just ask Peter Connery—the one man in California with more women on his hands than the divorce courts. First, there’s Peter’s wife. She’s bright. She’s beautiful She adores him. All she wants in return is a baby—just one tiny tot to make her feel fulfilled—and by God, she’s no about to give Peter a dull night till the doctor says things are A-OK.
Then there’s Peter’s secretary who figures, well… as long as his wife isn’t pregnant, why shouldn’t she be the mother of his child?
Enter Dottie Wyndmere—the old flame who still carries a torch. She too adores Peter and is willing to settle for leftovers… what his wife leaves over from the night and his secretary leaves over from the day.
Then there’s… oh, well. Let’s face it. It’s a madcap romp that will send you reeling from pillow to (bed) post.


Sin Census

Pillar Book 810 1963 thumbnail
44144206841-Sin Census. Pillar Books, 1963 thumbnail
Pillar Book 810 1963
44144206841-Sin Census. Pillar Books, 1963

“Hired Husbands Provided Wanton Wives!”

What does that even mean?!

Brian Reynolds hired men but it was their wives he wanted… and their wives he took in any way that struck his lustful fancy! Not playing to his torrid bedroom tune meant no paychecks for his tortured employees, and the melody ranged the scale of sin from the deepest blue notes of desire lo the highest pitch of passion. From coast to coast the tireless lover plied his passion trade for all the bedtime profits the traffic would bear while wronged husbands seethed and their wanton mates begged for more until the final wicked pay-off from too many women for sale!

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