The Sex Cure


For The Rich, Beautiful Women Of The Suburban Fast Set, Young Dr. Justin Riley Had A Favorite Prescription

Rips The Mask From Doctors Who Mix Women And Medicine

From the back cover:

You Will Be Shocked. You May Be Angry. But You’ll Hang On Every Word Of This Startling, Fast Paced Story Of A Doctor Who Violates His Oath As Casually As He Violates A Woman.

“If you’ll just open the front of your dress,” Dr. Riley said coolly. Socialite Misty Powers smiled and began to take things off, everything. Her husband was away and it seemed a good time for one of Dr. Riley’s “special treatments.”

In The Sex Cure you’ll meet suave, young Dr. Justin Riley who’s ready to take sex wherever he can find it. And he’s able to find it almost everywhere in rich, fashionable suburbia. Many a pretty patient learns that Justin has some unusual and shocking remedies in his medical bag of tricks. Even a young nurse in Justin’s office finds herself on the examining couch, and she doesn’t have as much as a headache.

Then a beautiful, innocent young girl enters Dr. Riley’s life. That she is innocent does not stop Dr. Riley; it only whets his insatiable appetite. Cynically, ruthlessly, he leads her down into the depths of shame. Then the incident occurred which brought the walls and roof down on the man who thought he was outside the laws of both his profession and decency.

This entire book can be downloaded here


One Of Those Cruises

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The passenger list read; Miriam—, Jessie—, Helen—, Lily—, Nanette… And every one of them was throwing their pretty, papered body at Mike Maddock!

About The Well-Heeled Women Who Go To Sea For Thrills, And The Sordid Men Who Supply Them — For A Price!

This entire book can be downloaded here

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The Golden Slave


A thundering novel of conquest and vengeance in the barbaric days of the First Century B.C.

This entire book can be downloaded here

From the back:

100 B.C.

The Cimbrian hordes galloped across the dawn of history and clashed in screaming battle against the mighty Roman legions.

Led by their chief, Boierik, and his son, Eodan, the hungry and homeless pagan tribes hurled back the Romans time after time in their desperate search for land. But for all the burning towns, the new· caught women weeping, the wine drunk, the gold lifted, the Cimbri did not find a home.

And now it was over. At Vercellae the Roman armies shattered them completely. Only a few survived-and for them death would have been more merciful.

Eodan, the proud young chieftain, had been caught and sold into slavery, his infant son murdered and his beautiful wife, Hwicca, taken as a concubine. But whips and slave chains could not break the spirit of this fiery pagan giant who fought, seduced and connived his way to a perilous freedom to rescue the woman he loved.


Two Faces Of Passion

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This is a nice cover, with some great artwork by Ray Johnson, but the text is what really makes it awesome!

They were sisters, identical, breathtakingly lovely. Meet Kit, who would follow a man to heaven… and Theona, whose unholy passions would drag him into hell!

Then Meet The Man They Both Wanted… Wanted Badly Enough To Share—Without His Knowledge!

The Shocking Story Of One Man Shared By Two Sisters!

From the back cover:

Strange Sisterhood

They were two exquisitely lovely sisters, twins, perfectly alike in their blonde and bosomy beauty. Yet any man who knew them both in their intimate moments would find them as different as night and day. Brill O’Hearn was such a man. He learned that Kit Durand was warm, yielding, a girl in whom passion ran so strongly it flared in spontaneous combustion. But Theona was something else. She was just as warm, just as provocative—but she was also wanton and cruel. For Theona has strangely abnormal desires…

Brill, like other men—and girls—discovered that Theona could find completeness in love only by giving hurt, by drawing blood, by inflicting pain. He thought he wanted Kit, yet Theona swore to possess him for her own cruelties… and how could he be sure that she was not the one he craved? After all, the girls looked exactly alike.

And so sprang up between the sisters a bitter rivalry, a wild competition for the same man. So intense was the competition that at one point Theona tried to make Brill think her body was Kit’s body. By this means she meant to win him—in order to crush him, beat him, make him a sexual plaything… as she had made so many others…

A Novel Wholly Compelling And Utterly Different… Treating Frankly Of A Subject Rarely Discussed!

This entire book can be downloaded here

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Beyond the X Ecliptic

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Science-Fiction Monthly #13 1956. Atlas Publications PTY, Ltd.(Australian)

She is wearing a space suit made of what appears to be Saran wrap, a fish-bowl helmet, the kind of bathing suit Beyoncé would wear to a pool party in Vegas, and high heels. And she is fighting what appears to be a laser-whip duel. This may be the best cover Planet Stories ever printed.

Also includes Ray Bradbury’s The Golden Apples Of The Sun. This entire issue can be downloaded here
