A World Divided

Domino 72-749 1964 thumbnail
Domino Book 72-749 1964 Back thumbnail
Domino 72-749 1964
Domino Book 72-749 1964 Back

Their kind of love knew no barriers — and burned more passionately than any between man and woman!

From the back:

Chris was a top designer in New York’s garment industry. She had talent, beauty, and money. She knew what was natural and right for herself, and had no qualms about being “gay.” That was the way she was made…
But she had a problem—a problem in the delectable, wickedly curved form of her lover, Betty. They’d lived together a long time — but Betty liked to hurt people, to tease and torture the woman who loved her most. She also liked to play both sides of the street…
Then along came Elaine, unhappy in her marriage, unable to find satisfaction with men, but unsure, uncertain…She did not know which way to turn, and she became the focal point of an explosive triangle!


One Kind of Woman

Beacon B251 1959

A Bold Novel Of Perversity — And Forbidden Paths

From the back:

EILEEN was a delicious morsel. Inevitably she aroused the appetites not only of men but of women — twisted, perverse women. The only thing strange was that she allowed such women to take forbidden liberties…! But tender little Eileen found that men cruelly mishandled her. Her own husband drove her away by his abuse, taught her that solely from such ardent creatures as Suzanne could she expect the compliant softness, the velvety delicacy, which spelled satisfaction in love.
At the “joy palace” of a hotel where Eileen worked as hostess, she had Suzanne along to supply warm companionship. Soon the job forced Eileen into relation-ships with the opposite sex. It looked as if at last she would be cured of her abnormality and exchange whole-some affection with a man—particularly big Pete Tate. But Pete and Suzanne squabbled over her. And then her sadist of a husband suddenly reappeared, brutally insistent that she fulfill her wifely duties….


Private School

Beacon B269 thumbnail
Beacon B269 1959 thumbnail
Beacon B269
Beacon B269 1959

The Girls Taught Each Other About Love!
Every Parent Should Read This Shocking Novel Of Adolescent Girls Who First Tolerated Vice — Then Embraced It — Then Could Not Live Without It…!

From the back:

The Briars had a fine reputation as a school for adolescent girls. Yet the goings-on behind its ivy-covered walls were scandalous enough to shock the most hardened adult! For it was not just a matter of secret trysts with men. Here the young ladies were subjected to far worse iniquities. Certain members of the faculty were teaching the special subject of “love” to the more attractive girls, inducting them into warped and twisted practices….
Blonde Rhoda Sterling, for in-stance, and that Southern student, Emmylou Berry — both were educated in perversity by the handsome gym mistress. Fetching Elise Longstreet, who arrived at school with a healthy — too healthy — need for boys, was forced to endure the cruel indignities of Miss de Sousa, of the English Department. Obviously, only experiences with virile men could rescue such girls from their own warned passions. But would the world understand if measures drastic were attempted? After all, the pretty darlings were so young, so tender, so very tempting…
Behind The Venerable Facade Of Many A Private School Lurks Unutterable Vice And Wickedness. This Novel Affords A Glimpse Of Conditions Which Cry For Correction!


The Thing That Made Love / The Whipping Room / Warped Women

Robert Stanley The Whipping Room Paperback Cover Painting thumbnail
Uni-Books No. 15 1951 thumbnail
Intimate Novel #24, 1952 thumbnail
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Robert Stanley The Whipping Room Paperback Cover Painting
Uni-Books No. 15 1951
Intimate Novel #24, 1952

No Woman Could Survive Such Harrowing Ecstasy!
Out of the swamp crept this figment of a fevered brain… to lust… to prey…

A Novel Of Twisted Passion In Sinful New Orleans…
Their Heritage Was Ecstasy — And Bitter Justice!

Strange Love Stripped Them Of All Decency!
Once Over The Line They Could Not Stop!

From the back of Warped Women:

Can One Girl Love Another?

While still a schoolgirl, lovely Cynthia Bennett was turned against normal feelings by an incident at the hands of a brutal stableman. Later, her twisted emotions made her easy prey for the bewitchingly beautiful Jan Carter, proprietress of a reducing salon that gave exercises and massages to luxury-loving women.

Tenderly taught by Jan, young Cynthia sank ever deeper into the depravity that women share among themselves. Until, rugged Bill Barton, a photographer, tried to hire her as a model — and learned the truth about the “reducing salon”. Soon Cynthia was weighing his manly embraces against those of the voluptuous but thoroughly debased Jan…

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