Passion’s Harvest (Original Title: Woman of Fire)

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The Story Of A Woman Who Tried To Deny Her Birthright!

She was a sultry blonde with a husband of her own — but one man was never enough for a woman of her kind!

Notice that, while both of these books have the same title and cover, they have different authors and are in fact different stories.

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Dark Streets Of Paris (Original Title: Lucifer’s Dream)

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Dark Streets of Paris (Lucifer's Dream) paperback cover, 1954

The Story Of Two Lovers Without Shame

From the back:

Women Who Pay

Marceau had known only the sordid streets of Paris, when he was picked up by the seductive Madame Alice. She introduced him to a world of luxury — of wealthy women willing to pay for their entertainment.

Alice’s power over Marceau was complete, until he met Dominique — and knew he must destroy the woman who had corrupted him, or lead an innocent girl into hopeless depravity.

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