2 thoughts on “The Gay Girls Who Tripped Hitler’s Ace Spymaster”

  1. Mark Schneider’s cover and inner illustrations.
    Cover depicts Admiral Canaris watching “showing no emotion […] as the nazi guards moved down his former mistress”.
    Also a very interesting article about the “Lebensborn” of nazi Germany and the astonishing real story of Sam Brannan, 1st citizen of San Francisco (formerly named Yerba Buena !)

  2. Admiral Canaris did in fact have a mistress who was the famous Polish spy (working for the British) Halina Szymanska. Although she was pretty enough I don’t think she was a Blonde nor do I think she would of looked good in red and, in any case she survived the war to die in Ealing in the 1970s. Perhaps the artist got her mixed up with a Lebensborn child – as Marc points out that story is indeed interesting

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