Also featuring Part Time Sex (The new racket in amateur call girls), The Commie Killer Of Sinkiang (Behind the bamboo curtain the fight for freedom goes on), and Flight Into Terror (Below us the dark Atlantic was waiting for our corpses)
Also featuring Part Time Sex (The new racket in amateur call girls), The Commie Killer Of Sinkiang (Behind the bamboo curtain the fight for freedom goes on), and Flight Into Terror (Below us the dark Atlantic was waiting for our corpses)
Wives who strip for kicks….when they’re not kicking the arse off Nazis and recuing hapless heroes who can’t seem to fly. “Hurry up and clobber the Jerries, he’s getting all excited over my tits…I can feel a par-tay coming on!!
Earl Norem’s art.
Reverse from :
Bruce Minney’s cover.
(Not reverse cover and not Norem’s art).