Strange Affair

Monarch #232 1962 thumbnail
Monarch Books #232, 1962 thumbnail
Monarch #232 1962
Monarch Books #232, 1962

Their Love Was Called A Sin By Society

From the back:

Here is a provocative tale of two lovely, passionate girls who never should have met…
MAURICIA, looking for a deep and meaningful relationship but never finding it with a man.
JOYCE, seeking understanding and offering love, but bound by her unnatural desires. Their relationship was doomed from the start. They tried to live a dream, but it turned into a nightmare. Almost too late, the sordid reality of their abnormal liaison was thrust upon them by… 
JAMES, the Greenwich Village writer, who first seduced Mauricia then left her to live in a torment of uncertainty and conflicting needs, and
LILLIAN, Joyce’s jealous lover, who was ready to go to any lengths to keep Mauricia from destroying her “perfect” life with Joyce.

via via

Make Mine A Shroud


Men became Bodies; But she had a body without a shroud! and what a body

From the back:

This is just the beginning of a whirlpool that drags Nick Cranley down into a never-ending vortex of excitement, hampered by tough mobs that mean to get what they are after; police that mean business; and gals that mean business too — but not the same kind.
