Private School

Beacon Signal Sixty B755X 1964 thumbnail
Beacon Signal Sixty B755X 1964 back thumbnail
Beacon Signal Sixty B755X 1964
Beacon Signal Sixty B755X 1964 back

The Girls Taught Each Other About Love!
Every Parent Should Read This Shocking Novel Of Adolescent Girls Who First Tolerated Vice — Then Embraced It — Then Could Not Live Without It…!

Cover stolen from Young Widow. The 1959 edition is here

From the back:

Maidens In Distress!
The Briars had a fine reputation as a school for adolescent girls. Yet the goings-on behind its ivy-covered walls were scandalous enough to shock the most hardened adult! For it was not just a matter of secret trysts with men. Here the young ladies were subjected to far worse iniquities. Certain members of the faculty were teaching the special subject of “love” to the more attractive girls, inducting them into warped and twisted practices….
Blonde Rhoda Sterling, for instance, and that Southern student, Emmylou Berry — both were educated in perversity by the handsome gym mistress. Fetching Elise Longstreet, who arrived at school with a healthy — too healthy — need for boys, was forced to endure the cruel indignities of Miss de Sousa, of the English Department. Obviously, only experiences with virile men could rescue such girls from their own warned passions. But would the world understand if measures drastic were attempted? After all, the pretty darlings were so young, so tender, so very tempting…
Behind The Venerable Façade Of Many A Private School Lurks Unutterable Vice And Wickedness. This Novel Affords A Glimpse Of Conditions Which Cry For Correction!


2 thoughts on “Private School”

  1. “So…when I went to that Private School they made me walk up and down the dorm clenchin’ a rolled up copy of ‘True Confessions’ between me bum cheeks. So’s I could walk proper? That’s why me bums like this, see. It’s all down to poor me toleratin’ vice.” ……. “Never mind your arse, dahling. Whatever happened to your tits!?”

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