Live With Me

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“I’m afraid I’m not what you’re looking for. I’m not versed in this sort of thing. I’d be a big disappointment to you.”

From the back:

To all outward appearances she was a lovely, normal and stunning woman, but she always gave me the feeling that she was sizing me up as a possible conquest. No one could explain the strange and curious desires that she had awakened in me. She was an artful woman who knew exactly what she wanted and knew how to go about it. Her will was able to control my body until my movements were not my own.

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Strange Longing

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They All Got In The Act — But She Couldn’t Get Over That Unnatural Strange Longing

From the back:

She was still young, beautiful and bunny soft. But she knew the time would come when she would sleep with a man for the price of a room–

She wanted more than any man could give, but she didn’t know what it was until the night her roommate led her gently through the portals of the ‘forbidden world’


Operation: Sex

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She stepped out of her clothes and into trouble. 

Working undercover was Colleen’s duty, playing between the covers, her pleasure.

From the back:

When Colleen accepted the undercover assignment she did not know !t would be her duty to share a stateroom with beautiful, mysterious Ruby.

But when Ruby stood in front of her — stark naked — and said, “The hell with men! I can do anything they can — anything!”, Colleen knew her duty and found it a pleasure.

Here are the high and low adventures of Colleen Mead, who had a body that frequent use improved, and she was always looking for a chance to improve herself, whether with men — or women.

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Hollywood Sex God


He founded a religious cult and declared himself the living reincarnation of the god of procreation, god of pleasure — and god of sex. And he and his worshipers paid homage to the shrine of the orgy.

From the back:

The Welcome Mat Is Out
and you’re invited to join the cult composed of satyrs and nymphomaniacs — where the burning questions of the day is what partner you wish, and where to have your-love affair! The self declared descendant of Priapus, god of love and procreation, has created a cult devoted to sex and pleasure, a large web that traps and holds all who enter. Caught in the mesh of passion are a honey blonde who looked for excitement and got more than she bargained for, and a two fisted ex-G.I. who finds himself a slow sacrifice — At The Shrine Of The Orgy
