Tag: Beach
Surf Kisses
She Was Cheap And Easy — but Unforgettable!
Some Women Won’t Wait (1959)
Murder in Hawaii — Donald Lamb investigates
Dark Fury
A big, lusty saga of a privateer who took what he wanted — and the magnificent woman who was his greatest prize
Those Teen Temptress Beach Parties
Also featuring Nude Coeds Reward Campus Rioters, Vast Treasures Off The Carolina Coast, The Naked Love-Goddess Expedition To Hell, and The Carib Queen Of The She-Devil Cult
Cover reused from True Danger
Breezy Stories, February 1945
A Woman’s Touch
Diana thought she could play the game as well as her husband — even better…
From the back:
She knew there was a time and place for every-thing. She knew that a vacation at a lush island resort was not the time to play faithful wife and dutiful mother. She knew her husband was probably busy with something other than business back at home. And she knew just how to attract the men that were necessary to the plans she made.
Lunch — Every Day
The Fall of Valor
The Powerful Story Of A Man’s Conflicting Loves