The Wife Game


In This Community, Sex Was A Deal Between Friends…

From the back:

“My husband told me you’re important,” Ann said. “So it’s okay for tonight – and he gets your wife.”
Ann watched the husbands choose partners and drift off to separate bedrooms. Her body shivered with desire.
“It was my idea,” she whispered huskily to Dave. “I convinced Joe that wives are cheaper than call girls.”

Here is the strange tale of how one sex-driven wife came to upset a whole community by helping its leading citizens break the commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 
If you were a prude, Ann ‘s parties were no place for you. And Dave, when he first came to town, was a prude, thinking, “What have any of these other wives got that my own beautiful wife doesn’t have?” 
But he soon found out that a passionate partner can deliver a lot more voltage than just a beautiful one. Besides, it was good business to have pleasure with these girls, they influenced their important husbands so much!


The Twisted Path

Beacon B621F 1963 thumbnail
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Beacon B621F 1963
LPF-The Twisted Path-Front

Jane knew that the childhood girl friend about to pay a long visit was a confirmed Lesbian…

There’s A Section Like It In Every Big City Where Beautiful, Bored Society Women Are Intrigued By Abnormality Just Because It’s Different!

From the back:

She Had Everything Beauty And Riches Could Offer — But It Wasn’t Enough

Beautiful, bored Jane Conway was no different from hundreds of other beautiful young wives in New York City’s exclusive Beekman Place area. She had lots of money, not too many morals — and all the time in the world to play. But even the lustiest man got to be a bore after a while…
So when Jane’s Lesbian friend Mary Ann Gilford came to stay for a few weeks… well, that was something different anyway. The trouble was that Mary Ann liked to play her cards both ways… the Kings as well as the Queens… a real double-threat type! [So, not actually a confirmed lesbian?] Jane found herself with a new, intriguing and profoundly disturbing interest in sex. She began to pursue and woo the perfumed charms of other women in her carefree circle… Henrietta Dalton… Judith Oster… Rita Carrielti… all prime Lesbian material… until the imminent ruin of her basically happy marriage forced a comeback to normalcy.
A Penetrating Novel That Explores Why Women With Too Much Time On Their Hands End Up Experimenting In Love

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