The Panic Button

Ace Books #D-438, 1960

What Was The Major’s Breaking Point?

From the back:

From the moment Maier Philip Gray was transferred to the special linguistics company in Korea, he found himself in an increasingly untenable spot. The company was a collection of oddballs. Its commander was a psychotic screwball—a martinet with a nasty habit of spying on his men, their girl friends, and the bawdy house next door. The whole setup was ripe for a real explosion. THE PANIC BUTTON is a masterpiece of tension, done with sardonic realism and emotional suspense.


Passion Doctor

First Niter FN109A 1965 thumbnail
First Niter FN109A 1965 back thumbnail
First Niter FN109A 1965
First Niter FN109A 1965 back

Doctor Domination…
was proud Helen Watson, M.D. who turned the luxurious East Side Hospital into an evil sex cult, installing herself as high priestess. Men were her playthings. As strong as leather, powerful as a polished boot, she meets her equal in Dr. Malcolm Marshall, who delights in compelling her to “entertain” perverted patients. Meet Harvey Fisher, famed Broadway producer who makes love to Helen while she wears a child’s outfit, playing the role of an innocent child. Read about Kay Linden, an alcoholic lesbian who begs, “Show me what it feels like be loved by a lesbian doctor.” Shiver at the bizarre triangle with a father and son when Helen is thrust into their midst. Mr. Keating, forced into a girdle, into their midst. Mr. Keating, forced into a girdle, acts as Helen’s slave — one of many who are sex slaves of her domineering rule. Bold and penetrating, PASSION DOCTOR strips away the silky garment of virtue to expose the shocking web of evil that lurks in every corridor. FETISH — DOMINATION — LESBIAN.
