Flight Hostess Rogers

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Midwood Y168 Back thumbnail
Midwood Y168
Midwood Y168 Back

“The next flight could be my last — why not live it up tonight.”
And she did — they all did.

From the back:

Taken By Force

Tom Larkin, her handsome, satanic flight captain, had taken Ceil Rogers by force when she could not defend herself. He had ravished her completely, and Ceil hated him for it, but…
Like all first times, it was unforgettable
Like all best times, she wanted it again

What do flight hostesses do when they are not on duty? This story takes you inside the lives of these beautiful girls, who are angels of mercy in the air, and hell-cats on the ground.


Horse Of Another Killer

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15 Story Detective October 1950 thumbnail
15 Story Detective October 1950 thumbnail
15 Story Detective October 1950
15 Story Detective October 1950

15 Story Detective was originally All-Story Detective, which ran for only six issues before being rebranded and running another 9 before folding. It is unrelated to 15 Mystery Stories, which was originally Dime Mystery, and ran for 154 issues before being rebranded and folding only five issues later.

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Fly Girl / The Club

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Are Airline Hostesses Hard To Get? Cynthia Westland WASN’T!

When a jet-powered hostess and a hot pilot lock horns, no holds are barred and the sky’s the limit…

Here Is The Frankly Told Story Of The Girls Who Live Dangerously — And Love Recklessly!


Four restless husbands, four willing wives… and sixteen scandalous reasons why they rode a merry-go-round of wild switch and swap!

Fly Girl was also published with a more explicitly flight-oriented cover.

The Club was also published with an unusual horizontal cover painted by Victor Olson

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