Horizontal Secretary / Private Lessons

Midwood Books F248, 1963 thumbnail
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Midwood Books F248, 1963

She did her best work after five

From the back:

Ellie had a motto, “No ring—no sex.” Then one night as she stood naked before her mirror, she said to herself, “How many more years will I keep this beauty? Why save myself until no one wants me?” She started with the men at the office and soon found that sex talent could open many doors for advancement where other talents failed. As Ellie worked her way to the top her interest in wedding rings withered as her taste for sex ripened. Ellie lived by a new motto, “I’ll be good tomorrow.”

Rader would change his Horizontal Secretary to a school teacher for Private Lessons.

Joey was just a student, but he wasn’t too young for the Private Lessons his gorgeous teacher gave after school was out!

via Mark Boreen and via via