Carnival Girl (1956)

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She Was All He Wanted

From the back:

Joe Harper had the circus in his blood. And he was content to be the advance man for Bartow Shows until sultry, conniving Norma Donald made him her protege, Her. husband, Tim, managed the circus, but Norma had other ideas. And Joe was going to help her.

In love with aerialist Yselle Obello, he learned too late that Norma was a tramp with passion and power on her mind. She held all the winning cards. And she was prepared to use them to get every evil thing she wanted.

Apparently unrelated to this book.


Congo Song (1958)


Alone In A Society Of Men In The African Congo, Olga LeBlanc Occupied Herself With Her Lovers, Her Gorilla And Her Own Good Looks

From the back:

This powerful story of jungle love throbs with the dark lusts of the African Congo—where a bored and tempestuous white woman has nothing to do but toy with the available men: A sadistic wild animal trainer, a tormented painter and her own husband’s fiercely jealous assistant. Yet reckless, French-bred Olga LeBlanc remains a woman unfulfilled—until the arrival of a virile young American brings into her lush tropical world a man capable of mastering her deepest desires.
