The Cult of the Seven Wenches

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Playtime Book #646 1964 thumbnail
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1963. Playtime 646
Playtime Book #646 1964

The cult was a sex lure which netted big money… They had it made in more ways than one

From the back:

A startling story of sex cult members who indulged in such primitive pagan passions they made the Roman orgies seem mild! Here is the shocking ex-posé of ravished virgins . . . of women forced to breed like cattle . . . of uninhibited eroticism and carnal lust en masse!

Figures were on the sand now, hips grinding, hands reaching in erotic foulage; passionate mouths and bodies seeking satiation. Now something new was taking place. Two of the women, their own sex desires temporarily satiated, ran up the sandbar, grabbed one of the clothed girls. And suddenly vicious hands were on the girl’s body, cloth was tearing, and the girl was nude. The seven women danced around the frightened girl. Then the circle opened to admit one of the men. He started fondling the girl, disregarding her screams, her beating hands. He threw her to the sand at last, forced his body into position. Flossie’s fingers were hard on my arm. “Bill, that girl isn’t one of them. She’s being forced, ravished—” I handed the glasses to Flossie. “Focus on the girl being ravished. She’s wearing a belt, similar to the one I cut off Joan—” “That means she’s a prisoner.” Flossie’s words stopped.

via via

William the Cannibal


They fell upon the unwary traveller and dragged him with savage whoops and cries to the fire. There they bound him to a tree and danced around brandishing sticks and chanting wild songs. Then they cooked him in a cauldron over a blazing fire, and ate him. Ginger was the first traveller, then it was Henry’s turn, and then Douglas’s. Finally William was eaten, his dying groans arousing real admiration. Altogether being cannibals was jolly good fun.
