Shack Road

Star Novels Issue #753 1956 thumbnail
Star Novels No.753, 1956 thumbnail
STAR NOVELS #753 1956 thumbnail
Original Novels - No 731 - 1953 thumbnail
Star Novels Issue #753 1956
Star Novels No.753, 1956
STAR NOVELS #753 1956
Original Novels - No 731 - 1953

The Lively Story of a Sharecropper’s Daughters

From the back:

A Sharecropper’s Women . . . What a Life They Led a Man!
Callie May, his wife, just couldn’t help being friendly to strangers… a warm friendliness that was forever attracting strangers to her . . .
May Ellen, his elder daughter, ran away from the cabin on Shack Road to look for a nice, respectable husband . . . but came running home again on her honeymoon!
Grandma, his mother-in-law, had stories to tell that would make a wild stallion blush . . . and there was no stopping her when she began talking about her young days!
Lorraine, the younger daughter . . . she was the real one! Down in Tampa, where she “worked”, or back home on Shack Road, the men couldn’t keep away from her . . . and whether it was the Colonel, who owned the land the family lived on, or the nice boy May Ellen married, or a chance bill collector who came around . . . when they saw Lorraine, there was the devil to pay!

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Shanty Road

Original Novels 742, 1954 thumbnail
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Original Novels 742, 1954

The Life and Loves of a Reckless Mountain Girl

From the back:


Mountain women and mountain men live that way, and that’s the way they want to live. There’s no use trying to make them talk more, because they don’t see the use of it. And there’s no use trying to make them drink less, because mountain dew isn’t made for light drinking. By the same token, you can’t slow down a mountain man’s willingness to fight . . . or speed up a mountain woman’s surrender to love . . . But in either case, a hill man’s anger and a hill woman’s passion, once on the move, can no more be stopped than a landslide . . 

Amy was a mountain girl, and her loveliness stirred both passion and anger among the hill country people. But, like them, Amy was no girl to be told what to do, no wanton to give her love to the first lowlands slicker that came along. To win her, young Dr. Will had to battle as he had never battled before, against her people, against her own hellcat pride, and against the mountain men who were his rivals — but he knew from the moment he first kissed her that it would be worth it.

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Sin Census

Pillar Book 810 1963 thumbnail
44144206841-Sin Census. Pillar Books, 1963 thumbnail
Pillar Book 810 1963
44144206841-Sin Census. Pillar Books, 1963

“Hired Husbands Provided Wanton Wives!”

What does that even mean?!

Brian Reynolds hired men but it was their wives he wanted… and their wives he took in any way that struck his lustful fancy! Not playing to his torrid bedroom tune meant no paychecks for his tortured employees, and the melody ranged the scale of sin from the deepest blue notes of desire lo the highest pitch of passion. From coast to coast the tireless lover plied his passion trade for all the bedtime profits the traffic would bear while wronged husbands seethed and their wanton mates begged for more until the final wicked pay-off from too many women for sale!

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