TV Tramps

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Midwood Y186

On camera they violated the Code of Decency. Off camera they violated each other.

From the back:

The Shep Morrow TV Show was good, clean fun until Lotus did her dance of the seven veils and took off too many veils — all of them. Then there was the night that Shep revealed too much about his wife’s sex life — all of it.
A Sizzling Story About A TV Show That Got Out Of Hand Once Too Often, And A Cast That Climbed Into The Wrong Beds Far Too Often

The (nude) reference photo for this painting is extant

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Wait Your Turn / Between Classes

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The bride looked better without clothes than in them, but her husband had to wait his turn.

From the back:

He left his bride a girl and came home to find her a voluptuous woman—a special breed of woman who had waited faithfully for two years only to be trapped at the last minute by an unscrupulous man and her own overflowing de-sires. There followed a week of pagan sensuality and sexual abandonment, and finally rapacious assault.
What Jamison and Ritter and Eddie did to Connie should not have happened to a beast, much less a beautiful girl who only wanted to do what was right.

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Beacon Books B323 1960

On The Lonely Farm, Two Men Shared This Woman! In The Teeming City, Others Shared Her, Too…

The Story Of A Call Girl Who Tried To Reform

From the back:

What Happens To A Prostitute? Can she ever escape to a normal life? Or does she become wholly unfit for love, for wifehood — even if she wants them?

This entire book can be downloaded here

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Weekend Wife

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She was a warm and passionate woman, and her husband neglected her. It was only natural that she should seek fulfillment in the arms of younger lovers…!
A shocking commentary on a marital problem which too often turns natural womanly desires into unwholesome cravings!

From the back:

The Wife Takes A Lover… The Lover Takes A Mistress… The Husband Takes A Tramp…

She Tried It Once… while her husband was away… then found she could not do without it!
How can a loyal married woman suddenly become enslaved by the passion of a man fifteen years younger? Mona Shellman helplessly asked herself that question — even while she lay in Verne Morgan’s arms… Then she tried to give him up — but two days of marital life, as a weekend wife, were not enough — she had to have more!
As for Mona’s husband Jeff, he was on the road five days a week — and his male desires led him to an oversexed party girl, who sometimes sold her caresses — and sometimes gave them away.
What happens to a two-day-a-week marriage when both partners find satisfaction elsewhere — and each one finds out about the other? Read the answers in this sizzling novel of infidelity!


Babe in the Woods

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She was Hollywood’s hottest star playing a game of love and violence

From the back:

Lou Largo’s affair with the fabulous Kovar sisters begins warmly in a Manhattan hotel room, where luscious Lulu, collector of husbands and diamonds, has collected Lou for fun only.
It gets really steaming on a liner to Europe, where Largo’s job is guarding LiLi Kovar, Hollywood’s most sensational Body Beautiful, from kidnapping by Red agents.
But when Lou’s state-room is invaded by two strippers from Las Vegas…a bunch of L.A. gangsters … and sex bomb LiLi, with her fuse already lit — the action becomes as fast and hot as one tough private eye can handle.

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Dance of Desire

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They made it a nightly ritual, a prelude to pleasure designed to whet the appetite.

From the back:

The Variants

jaded sophisticates, able to pay the price for the unusual in sensuality…
young debutantes, eager to enter into the perfumed garden of forbidden pleasures…
greedy party-girls, willing to perform any service in return for a life of luxury…
society matrons, hiding their secret depravity under a cloak of respectability…
chic career-women, using their power to corrupt their innocent and ambitious employees…
