Sin Date With A Sleep-Over Nurse

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Male April 1967 thumbnail
Male April 1967

“My goodness, Mr. Taylor,” Maureen murmured. “Haven’t you ever seen a nurse out of uniform before?”

Young, lush, golden-haired, she was the live-in nurse who tended Frank Taylor’s bedridden wife—and to Taylor himself, a tantalizing, just-out-of-reach goad to bottled-up passions. Then came the night he realized that the perfect female body beneath the starched white uniform was tormented by needs as fevered as his own, triggering his first step toward the limits of forbidden desire…

Male, April 1965 via

Edit: Added the cover for this issue, which includes a different painting of this scene by Mort Kunstler, rather than Gil Cohen who did the interior illustration. via via

The Wild Rampage of the Sex-Crazed Pirate Women


Fun Fact: When chicks go too long without getting laid, they go crazy and storm sea-going vessels looking for lovers

Also featuring The Day The Major Slaughtered Our Battalion at Bataan!, The Kissing Disease That Can Kill You!, We Smashed the Sadistic Snake Cult of the Congo, and The Lusty Tarts Who Spied For Revenge


Hotel Room


She Knew Only One Way To Hold Her Lover

From the back:

Behind every girl trapped in the vice racket is a man. A man she wants so fiercely she will do anything to please him. Until she finds out the only way she can hold him is by selling herself to other men. This is the powerful story of such a girl—the smooth and sinister racketeer who initiated her into evil—and two desperate people who risked everything to save her from total depravity.
“A grim and terrible tale of the men in big cities who prey upon women. The simplicity with which it is told and its lack of vulgarity only serve to emphasize the sordid and shocking situation into which some young women are lured.”
