Rogue Ship / Thunder In The Void

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Thunder in the Void Henry Kuttner

This fantastic Norman Saunders painting of a damsel in distress in space marks the 6,000th post here at PulpCovers. It was first published on the cover of Super Science Stories (complete issue here), and later on the cover of Illustration magazine’s 2nd issue. On April 4th, 2012, it will be published again as the cover of the short-story collection Thunder In The Void.

I want to thank everyone for following along for the last year, and I hope to keep bringing you the Best Of The Worst for as long as you can stand it.

Painting courtesy of David Saunders. Covers viavia, via

Decoy For The Creeping Shadow

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Ten Story Detective - January 1943 thumbnail
Ten Story Detective - January 1943

The painting is a recreation of Norman Saunders’ cover, done by John Hilkert for the Canadian market. During World War II, protectionist trade laws were passed in Canada to encourage citizens to buy more Canadian goods rather than those made in the USA. Pulp publishers who wanted to sell their magazines to a Canadian audience got around this law by hiring Canadian artists to create close interpretations of the American covers previously commissioned by the main office. Hilkert did the same thing with the July 1942 issue.

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