Tag: Witches
The White Witch
Blood Sugar
via Hard Case Crime
The Witch’s Mark
Women of Evil
A Confidential Report On Women Who, In Another Age, Would Have Been Burned At The Stake As Witches
The Coven
Rick Holman joins a coven of swinging Hollywood Satanists and find himself in a witches’ brew that leads from magic to orgies to murder!
Blonde on a Broomstick (1966)
Rick Holman is taken for a ride by a covey of curvaceous witches… and flies straight into Murder!
Satan’s Disciples
Precious Beauty
There Are Such Things
The Witching Night
A Novel of Satanism and Suspense
Worshipers Of Satan
A mysterious cult prescribes the death of a man. Hundreds of miles away, Colin Jones dies in unbearable agony of no apparent cause. Where was the answer – In some books on demonology the victim left behind? In a Black Host used only in the most forbidden of Black Magic rituals? Or in the eyes of Abbie, a woman of incredible beauty, of perfect evil? The Witching Night by C.S. Cody – A terrifying journey into the occult.