The Stalag-Busting Women-Without-Men Escape Chain of Capt. Lester Maney

True Men Magazine May 1962

Also featuring, That Buy Now — Sin Later Craze: Sex On the Installment Plan for Debt-Plauged Girls, and The 5 Wild Wife-Swap Party-Games that Stunned New Jersey’s Suburbs

Remember when a wild sex party could shock New Jersey? Yeah, me neither.

The Black Avenger

Dusty Ayres And His Battle Birds February 1935 thumbnail
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Dusty Ayres And His Battle Birds February 1935

Dusty swung the radio gun on a second Black ship. It burst into flame.

“To Captain Ayres: The greatest among us has died by your hand. We, the living, are pledged to avenge that loss. Within forty-eight hours you and your comrades will be wiped from the face of the earth. Nothing can save you!” This message, signed Ekar, was dropped on Dusty’s drome; at the same time another Yank air field nearby was wiped out by a new horror weapon – a flaming rain that destroyed everything it touched! How can America fight this new menace? How can she keep the Blacks from crossing her borders?’

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The Green Thunderbolt

Dusty Ayres and his Battle Birds November, 1934 thumbnail
Dusty Ayres November, 1934 thumbnail
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Dusty Ayres and his Battle Birds November, 1934
Dusty Ayres November, 1934

When Dusty heard about America’s new invention, the X-Rayoscope, by which the human eye could penetrate night, fog and clouds for a distance of two hundred miles, he thought victory was at hand. With such a machine to spy on the enemy, the war would soon be over. But he didn’t know about the doom even then speeding through invisible skies, had not yet heard of the green thunderbolt!

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The Doctor & The Dike

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Monarch Y176

The Doctor knew all about women, and he solved their sex problems in a most unique manner. His beautiful receptionist also had a problem — Lesbianism

From the back:

When Dr. Reed asked his patients to “lie down and talk” they wore little more than their problems, but their problems were always interesting:

Gwenn’s breasts were too small.
Claire’s were too large.
Joan did strange things with men.
Connie did stranger things with women.
Jessica could not get enough.
Sandra got too much.

Dr. Reed solved all of these problems and many more – all except his own problem – and his receptionist’s.

What Goes On Inside A Psychoanalyst’s Private Office Is A Professional Secret, And Well It Should Be For The Lusts And Perversions Spilled Out There Will Shock You To The Core

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