Song Of The Whip


Here Was A Vicious Contest Between Man And Woman. Which Was The Crueler… More Passionate… More Twisted?
A Bold, Biting Novel Of Tormented Women And The Hungers That Turn Them Into Shameless Creatures

From the back:

At the sunny resort by the sea, weird goings-on were the order of the day — and the nights were even stranger! Consider the antics of Roberta Chandler, the seductive star. Her husband amused himself with quaint little cruelties, so Roberta took up with Pat, a lady bullfighter incapable of normal desire. There was Lorna Evans, too, a refugee from Hollywood and the villainous intimacies of Garth Howard. And tall, beautiful Nikkie, model and showgirl… she took up not only with a Mexican diving boy half her size, but with pretty Lorna as well.
It all would have been so piquant, so amusing, had not Pat developed a bad habit of substituting girls for bulls. When Roberta tried to get in on the act, tragic scandal followed — with Lorna more desperate than ever to escape to wholesome love!
Why Should Sin And Iniquity Be Tolerated In The Vacation Playgrounds Of The Wealthy? Here Is A Scathing Indictment From The Talented Pen Of Barry Devlin, Of Immorality In The Guise Of Recreation, Revealing Conditions Crying For Correction!


Night Of The Lash

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Beacon Books B283, 1959 thumbnail
Beacon Books B283, 1959

Here is life among the elite: lust enforced by the whip — beauty ravished by brutal corruption…!
The strange story of wife, daughter and mistress — all at the mercy of a sadistic tycoon, until Steve Logan dared to challenge him… winner take all!

From the back:

Prentiss victimized men because he sought riches and power. But why did he enslave women? Could it be, as some whispered, that he relished cruelty for its own sake? If so, it was strange that the pretty creatures madly adored him…
His lovely wife, Janice, waited in the dark for his kisses—and his blows. Buxom blonde Lily suffered his indignities and crawled back for more. Polly Fullerton sacrificed virginal flesh to his concupiscence. The wild redhead, Leslie, abandoned all ecstasy save what Prentiss offered. His own delightful little Suzan, considered herself his special prey!
Young Steve Logan swore to learn the truth about Prentiss, destroy him if need be. One by one he wooed and enjoyed the Prentiss women — thus extracting their most intimate secrets. But if was Suzan who furnished the most shocking ammunition… the day she decided to run off with an accused rapist!

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Man Crazy

Beacon Books B471F, 1962

Brutal men started the sisters down — and they chose to keep right on going. Were they after excitement? Did they need the money? Or were they… Man Crazy
A Probing Novel Of The Fevered Blood That Leads Teenagers Into Trouble!

From the back:

Were They Out To Satisfy Men-or Their Own Wild Urges?
Sober or drunk, grown men would stop and stare at teen-age Annie Lou and her equally bewitching sister, Susie… until the day an uncle saw Annie Lou and could not stop the madness she aroused in him. After that, both girls knew their bodies could bring undreamed riches… if used to exploit a man’s baser desires… Would that be so hard to do?
For These Two Girls It Was Easy… Real Easy!

This entire book can be downloaded here


The Professor’s Wife

Beacon Softcover Library B871X 1965 thumbnail
Beacon Books B505F, 1962 thumbnail
Beacon Books 505F 1962 thumbnail
Beacon Softcover Library B871X 1965
Beacon Books B505F, 1962
Beacon Books 505F 1962

Joan Arnold found out that marriage to a professor meant curling up in bed with a good book — and that was that!
She Was Young — And Her Body Ached For Love — So She Turned To Her Husband’s Eager Students For The Passions She Couldn’t Arouse In The Professor…!

From the back:

She Was Voted Most Popular On The Campus…Giving Private Lessons To Her Husband’s Students!
Joan Arnold expected more than a meal ticket when she married Professor Fletcher Arnold, who was young and handsome — but sexually disinterested. Unfulfilled, frustrated, burning with eager ardor, she was forced to find her emotional outlet with her husband’s students… the barrier once broken, her natural lust ran wild. Life turned into one quick affair after another and she was headed for nymphomania… until, at a vacation hideaway in the woods, Fletcher revealed a hidden side of himself during a violent, passionate diversion with another woman! Now, exposed to the wonders of uninhibited love, could he keep Joan in his bed…OR WAS IT TOO LATE?
A Bold Novel Of An Aspect Of Campus Life Often Whispered About But Seldom Unmasked — The Affairs Between Students And Professors’ Wives. Here Is “Tea And Sympathy” Gone Wild.

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Beacon Books B591F, 1963 thumbnail
Beacon Books B591F, 1963 Back thumbnail
Beacon Books B591F, 1963
Beacon Books B591F, 1963 Back

There Were No Lengths To Which This Woman Would Not Go To Keep This Boy In Her Arms!
Jack had heard about women like her. He knew now that the call to fix her car was an excuse. He stood there just a few feet away, drinking in her golden loveliness, and his better judgment was no match for the burning desire she so deliberately lit in him…

From the back:

Her Husband Couldn’t Satisfy Her. Maybe This Boy Could!
Babs Duncan rose from her sunbathing, flaunting her woman’s body sensuously before him. He couldn’t be more than eighteen. His hard, garage-mechanic’s body lit fires deep within her. Jack had heard about women like her. He knew now that the call to fix her car was an excuse. He stood there, just a few feet away from her, drinking in the golden glow of loveliness from the top of her flowing, flame-colored hair…down ..down…to the tip of her lacquered toenails.
He knew he should get out but his judgment was no match for the fire of desire she lit in him. Before long this eighteen-year-old boy was her slave, addicted to strange lusts that only her greater experience could satisfy. She made him her puppet of passion. There were no lengths to which this woman would not go to keep this boy in her bed — and that included divorcing her rich husband.
What Kind Of Woman Seeks Out Young Men Or Boys For Satisfaction Her Own Husband Can’t Give Her? This Book Gives A Fearlessly Frank And Honest New Insight Into A Social Problem More Common Today Than Is Generally Realized.

This entire book can be downloaded here
